
--嗡 瑪 呢 貝 昧吽持誦本咒;能開一切智慧,能救渡六道眾生,亦能封閉六道輪迴,成就大菩提道。本咒亦稱六字大明咒,為觀世音菩薩根本心咒。

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva】
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva holds her original wish to relief all beings compassionately , and has been a popular and respectful Bodhisattva among the commons. If the world’s commons have encountered disasters, as long as they think of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva name wholeheartedly, they are able to depart miseries. So she has been called the infinitely merciful Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.
When reading
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s heart incantation repeatedly – Om mani padme hum, it is able to open up all wisdoms, rescue six kinds of all beings, and also able to close up six kinds of reincarnations to become the Great Bodhi. This incantation is also addressed as 《the Six-Character Big Bright Incantation》and has become the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s fundamental heart incantation



Manjusri Bodhisattva】
has been represented as the Big Wisdom Bodhisattva among the Chinese Four Great Bodhisattvas, and together with Buddha and
Samantabhadra are collectively being called Hua-yen Three Sages. She holds a wisdom treasured sword to represent that it is able to cut away all worries and foolishness. She and Avalokitesvara, Ksitigarbha and Samantabhadra are being called the Four Great Bodhisattvas.




Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva】
has been a Bodhisattva with virtue completion and big hopes. There is a phase in Buddhism that often says that when you’ve helped all beings, you can then proved to be a Bodhi; if the hell is not spatial, I vow not to become a Buddha, if I don’t go to hell, who would go to hell thenand so forth phases to describe the ampleness vows of the humaneness and commiserated Ksitigarbha. 



Samantabhadra Bodhisattva】
has been Buddha
Sakyamuni 's right hand helper, and together with Buddha and Manjusri Bodhisattva, they are collectively being called the Hua-yen Three Sages. She rides on a six-ivory white elephant to save all beings. That symbolizes that she has the strength to carry out heavy burden tenaciously and capable to popularizekindnessto every corner of the world. She and Avalokitesvara, Ksitigarbha and Manjusri are being called the Four Great Bodhisattvas. 


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